The brand newsroom became all the rage over the last 18 months or so. But for all of the warrooms and command centers that popped up, there are still many brands and agencies who haven't taken advantage of the power of content. Recently, Jonah Peretti from Buzzfeed told The Drum…
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SpaghettiOs the children's soup? Spaghetti substitute? Whatever it is, bombed horribly on Twitter with a very dumb post about Pearl Harbor. I'm sure that the fine people over at SpaghettiOs didn't intend on screwing up this bad. No agency or brand wants to be ridiculed and pointed at in this…
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Content is king, context is God...and then there's effort... If you're involved in social media in any capacity, you've undoubtedly heard (and hopefully engaged with) Gary Vaynerchuck. (garyvee on Twitter). And if you've engaged with him any time in the last couple of months, you also know that he has…
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Sometimes we look to hard for data when we actually live it and don't realize it. There's no avoiding the ROI of social. I sometimes think that people feign ignorance about it. It's found everywhere. We go to movies based upon what our peers says. We go to hair stylists…
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It's Sunday. Not just any Sunday, but it's Father's day. With the brunch over, the cards read and the new socks tucked away, it's time for some content publication. Why? Because I have to. In order to stay relevant I have to continue to publish as much content on as…
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