Recently Twitter announced that they were implementing a mute button. What does Twitter say that this means? "Muting a user on Twitter means their Tweets and Retweets will no longer be visible in your home timeline, and you will no longer receive push or SMS notifications from that user. The…
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On Monday morning, April 21, 2014, I'm quitting social media marketing. Well...sort of. The reason being is that social media marketing as we have come to know it, is dead. There, I said it. Throw stones if you want, at least I'm honest. You can hire the best agency on…
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President Obama posed for a #selfie with Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz. However what Ortiz failed to mention to the Prez was that he was taking the picture for a Samsung promo. What an honor! Thanks for the #selfie, @BarackObama— David Ortiz (@davidortiz) April 1, 2014 As you…
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I bet the video below sums up the conversation taking place in conference rooms around the country. If you haven't had the conversation yet, trust me, it's coming. Panic is beginning to set in as there will be lots of explaining ahead. When you're asked "why are we spending so…
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This will be one of my shorter posts in some time. It solves the Facebook dilemma once and for all. No conference needed. No webinars, no surveys, no polls, no think tanks, no social media experts,...nope it's all summed up in two nuggets I saw on Facebook this morning. The…
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Don't You Hate When People Say I Told You So? I know I do. So I won't say it. I'll let you just come to the conclusion for yourself. Even if it's with a little bit of prompting. Back in December (seems so very long ago doesn't it?), while everyone…
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I recently watched this great interview with Brian Solis and Simon Mainwairing and it compelled me to write this article. The world around us has forever changed in the digital era. There is so much to absorb in this video that I recommend that you watch it a few times.…
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According to IEG, sponsorship of musical tours, venues and festivals will jump over 4% from last year and will top $1.3 billion in spending in North America alone! image courtesy of IEG Sponsorship Report The biggest trend seems to be the rise in popularity of brands wanting to be a…
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When is an advertisement not an advertisement? When it drives us to such emotional peaks that we forget we're watching a commercial for a product. I'm not sure I've seen an ad that has compelled viewership, by such a diverse audience, as this "First Kiss" video by L.A. fashion label…
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"All the world's indeed a stage and we are merely players. Performers and portrayers, each another's audience..." What Role Are You Going To Play Today? You see you have no choice in the age of social media. The digital era relegates us to being a part of an audience or…
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A.G. Lafley, Chairman of Proctor & Gamble If you've spent any time in a conference room at a traditional advertising agency over the last year or so, you have seen it. It's almost palpable. It's that undeniable look of fear. The fear of the dreaded budget reallocation. For quite some…
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Are you hopelessly addicted to social media? Do you feel that some people have a more interesting life than your own? Do you spend your moments with a loved one (smartphone or tablet) only to have your spouse or significant other get in the way? Don't feel bad, you're not…
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As Jimmy Fallon launches his version of the Tonight Show, you can't deny that in addition to his awesome talent on stage, Fallon knows how to use social media to his benefit. From his use and parody of hashstags to the implementation of the official Tonight Show app, social media…
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On behalf of myself and Mike Killi, I'd like to welcome you back to the Barry Cunningham Show. I can't believe that we're already almost half way thru February 2014. Mike and I have been so busy already here in this new year. This is a busy time for those…
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I don't Know Bill Crandall, but I know people like him. You probably do too. You know, it's those people that you go out to lunch with who pour salt on their food before they even taste it because they just assume it needs more flavor. Usually they're so wrapped…
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